Code and Build your own Website

Learn Web development using HTML & CSS coding.

  • Coding tutorials
  • Code snippets
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What is coding? What is it used for?

Coding is how you can communicate with devices. Codes tell a device what actions to take, by giving it a set of instructions.

It is used to make websites, apps, games, software, and other technologies.

You can make some really cool things with it.

How do browsers work?

Broswers convert codes into outputs by rendering the codes.

When you enter a URL and load the website, the browser combines the HTML and CSS codes.

Here is how it works:

  1. HTML Parsing: The browser starts by parsing the HTML code, which is breaking down the codes into a structured tree-like representation called the Document Object Model (DOM).
  2. CSS Styling: Next, the browser matches all the CSS styles with the assigned element. It styles the color, fonts, position, layout, and more. This process is known as CSS parsing and results in a new tree called the Render Tree.
  3. Output display: Finally, after rendering the result is displayed in the browser window. It can include text, images, links, videos and, other media, with interactive designes.

Why you should learn coding?

Learning how to code has many benefits.

Here are a few:

  • Coding expands creativity and teaches how to think.
  • Coding boosts problem solving and logical skills.
  • Coding literacy can help you adapt to new tech faster.
  • You could work in freelancing and increase your earning potential.
  • Coding is the future. The world's top business and professions are running on computers. And the numbers are only increasing.