Company profile


V-raj Optics


Google maps link of
your business location

  1. Open Google maps.
  2. Select the location of the business.
  3. Click on the SHARE icon.
  4. Click on the COPY LINK button.
  5. Paste the link in the input field.

Nature of business

Have a GST number?

Nature of business

Tell us about the main product(s) you deal in. help

Business category

  1. Write about the main product(s) you deal in.
  2. Write in the least possible words and just mention the keywords.
  3. Mention the keywords in which you think the consumers will search for your product.
  4. DO NOT use technical words. Write in 5-6 words about the main product(s) you deal with in layman terms.
  5. For example, if you deal with spectacles then DON'T write "Optical products, acetate frames, CR39 lenses".
    Instead use simple words like "Spectacles, frames, lenses, contact lenses".

Create username
and password

Username already exists


Include atleast 1 upper-case

Include atleast 1 number

Include atleast 1 special character

Include atleast 10 characters